One Metre sailing at Clapham on 4th November.

November 5, 2012 at 10:25 am | Posted in News | Leave a comment

Dismal day weatherwise, overcast with rain. Wind was westerly, force 1-4. Wind started very light. The first race was slow but then the wind increased but with it came the rain and racing was abandonded after three races. There were six members turned up, which in view of the weather was very comendable, I had taken one look out of the window and decided to go back to bed, but I am getting to be a bit of a wimp.
Race results as follows-,
Race 1. Mark, John, Jim
Race 2. Mark, John, Jim
Race 3. Jim, John. Richard
I have heard a murmur that the AGM might be held on the 18th November, but have not had confirmation of this date. But time is getting short if we are to get the membership confirmed for 2013 in time to get the details to the MYA by the end of January so that our membership is continuous, so a confirmed date is becoming urgent. Every member should make an effort to get to the AGM to be able to hear what has been going on and what might be planned for the futiure. I look forward to seeing you all there. Derek.

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